Licensed physical therapists have a background in anatomy and kinesiology. This is the study of movement. A course of stretching and strengthening can help fibromyalgia pain. PT restores function and mobility as well as relieve pain. So, people with fibromyalgia can live comfortable lives.
The world of recovery after surgery is all new. Physical therapy techniques no longer involve weeks of bed rest. No more extended time off work. These days, doctors want you…
Warmth has long been associated with relaxation and comfort. This is the basis for heat therapy. This method is designed to relax, heal, and relieve pain. Heating pads or wraps, warm gel packs, and hot baths. These all provide the heat needed for lower back pain relief.
People often lose strength in their hands due to arthritis. When this affects your hands, daily tasks can become difficult. Learn how to make life easier and less painful.
Low back pain patients often end up with a physical therapy referral. This will usually involve four weeks of physical therapy. This is the usual non-surgical option initially prescribed by physicians. After that, other low back pain treatments may be necessary.
Rotator cuff pain can be treated using RICE. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation work together to reduce pain. So, when done right after the injury. Once swelling and pain are reduced, you can move the arm better. Therefore, exercising is a great way to heal at this point. In addition, they also prevent further damage or frozen shoulder.
When an injury occurs, use the RICE method as soon as possible. It’s most common to use this method on knee or ankle sprains immediately following an injury. The RICE method is a great way to promote pain relief and to relieve swelling.
The steps of the McKenzie method assesses spinal disorders. For nearly 60 years to be precise!
Knee pain can keep you from moving. Whether it was an injury or arthritis. Your knee is a big part of daily movement. However, many times you may not feel like moving since you are in pain.
First off, congratulations on your new knee! Close to 600,000 Americans get a knee replacement every year. The thought of walking upstairs without pain is thrilling. But, don’t go running…